Montana Gift Baskets was created to help make gift giving easier for you.

Established in 2022. Every basket is custom, unique, and features products from local small businesses in Montana.


Need a custom basket?

Fill out the custom basket form to personalize your basket by requesting special items or themes!

  • Basket Contents

    Want to add something they will love? Baskets can have personal items when noted during purchase. When ordering a custom basket, your mission is to make the recipient smile. Our mission is to bring those ideas to life.

  • Montana Made

    Not only are the baskets custom made in Montana, a plethora of the items used in Montana Gift Baskets are made in Montana as well. Our state is filled with talented makers + artists who deserved to be recognized!

  • One Woman Show

    Montana Gift Baskets was created in 2022 by Billings resident, Jessica Bulluck. Between juggling a teaching career and taking care of her family, she makes time to create beautiful custom baskets for you. It's a one woman operation!